
Weekend Love

GraffitiMarkers of the Wallbundestag

Silly me, I forgot to buy batteries for my camera and the whole weekend passed by without a single shot, and there could have been many amazing pictures...They are only in my mind now. I wish I could draw them...

This weekend was one of a kind. With a Bundestag visit and a several excursions to the beautiful places and a boat trip. All arranged by my scholarship providers. Buntestag is the parliament of Germany, truly amazing place. They recarved the walls so that the walls can show the history, namely graffitis :) So inside the parliament, there are writings from the Polish soldiers, from the end of  the second war world. One graffiti was a heart declaring an endless love to G..  G came and visit the place seven years ago, after being married to the soldier for 60 years, now her husband being dead. Of course my eyes were all misty.

The building has many parts and if you ever visit Berlin, this is a must to see. I was not bored for a minute of the two hours of visit. And I want to go again. Saturday night was nice over a glass of wine with some girl talk.. How I needed that.. Studies are good, good... As my mother always asks, "When will I come out with an innovation?" . Soon, soon :) LOL, right, Philosophy of Maths...

All pictures from flickr. For the source please click on the photos. 

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Nice to hear from you!