
Space- Occupy your body. / Mekan- Vucudun Isgali

 I taught a class called the Notions of Space in Philosophy last year to very eager Bachelor and Master students from many disciplines. My aim was to understand in detail Kant's notion of space, as not a concept but intuition. It went beyond that where each student having been influenced in a different way from each philosopher. and I got beautiful definitions for space from many students. However, it was a big challenge to understand it.  At the end, we ended up more confused rather than knowing what it is. Then I got what Kant meant, not by reading him over and over-which I did as well, but by not being able to understand what exactly space was. You cannot really get what space is as a concept, this is among the things you cannot conceptualize! You can only have an intuition of it, or maybe feel it.

 But, but, not only understanding is hard or impossible, intuiting or feeling it is also a BIG challenge. Can you feel the space between YOU and your emotion and thought when you are angry? Can you see , feel, intuit the space between your computer screen and your eyes? This became my fun game for my practice of presence. One of the beautiful side effect of this game is that your body loves it since you manage to empty your mind and integrate spontaneous meditation to your everyday life. Do you try to feel the space? Do you have your own methods?

Photos from weekends where I feel a lot of space... We carry our dining table to the bedroom to have more sun, turn our faces to it, and chew delightfully our delicious food.

Gecen yil, "felsefede mekan/uzay/bosluk (Inglizcesi tek kelime space) kavramlari" diye bir cok farkli bolumden master ve lisans ogrencilerine bir ders verdim. Amacim Kant'in uzay/mekan kavramini, kavram olarak degil de bir sezgi olarak tanimlamasini anlamakti. Ancak bu amactan otelere gittik ve her ogrenci bir baska filozoftan etkilenip kendilerine gore cok guzel tanimlar buldular uzay/mekan icin. Buna ragmen kafamiz donemin sonunda iyice karisti uzay hakkinda. Ve farkettik ki belki de bu kavrami anlamak mumkun degil. O zaman iste Kant'in ne demek istedigini anladim. Bu sadece hissedebilecegimiz ve kavramsallastiramayacagimiz seyler dunyasina ait bir olgu.

 Ama, uzayi/ mekani/ alani/ boslugu hissetmek kolay mi peki? Kizdiginda hissettigin duygunun, dusuncenin ve SENIN arandaki alani hissedebiliyor musun?Bilgisayar ekrani ile gozlerin arasindaki boslugu gorebiliyor musun, hissedebiliyor musun? Bu benim sevdigim eglenceli bir oyun haline geldi son zamanlarda, bedenimdeki varligimi hissetme egzersizlerimde. Vucudumuz bu mekan hissine bayiliyor, cunku zihin biraz duruyor, sadece zihini kullanarak ve kavramlastirarak yasadigimiz hayattan cikip baska bir hissi de yasiyoruz... Agacin, elin, bacagin icindeki yasami canlliligi hissederek... Yasadigimiz durumlar ile  kendim  arasindaki alani hissederek... Bu da kendiliginden kolayca ortaya cikan bir meditasyon sagliyor. Sizin de alani, boslugu, uzayi, mekani hissetme egzersiziniz var mi? Nasil metodlar kullaniyorsunuz? Sifalandiginizi hissediyor musnuz? Ya da degisimi farkediyor musunuz?

Fotograflar, haftasonlarindaki gunesli gunlerimizden, benim alani/mekani bol bol hissetme imkanini daha da buldugum zamanlardan. Gunes olunca masamizi yatak odasina tasiyip uzun kahvaltimizi, yuzumuzu guneste isitik, agzimizdakinin tadina daha bir vararak yapiyoruz.

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