Awareness excercises, according to Chögyam Trungpa, should not be detached from action, but also should not be on the action. Should come through the action. Amazing isn't it? I interpret this as becoming whatever you are doing at the moment. Not watching what you are doing through your ego's eye, not thinking about the next thing you will be doing, not thinking but just doing. Not doing things through your ego is so hard. I can understand that the ego is there to protect me, the reason we evolved and I exist might be because of the ego, but do we need protection? From what? If we practice compassion, and see things as they are, there is a knowledge waiting for us that everything is as it is, and everything will be as it is, neither interpretation nor protection is needed...
Chögyam Trungpa'ya gore farkindalik antremanlari eylemden ayri olmamali, ama eylem uzerine de olmamali. Ne guzel soylemis! Bu sabah tekrar tekrar metroda bu paragrafi okuyordum. Yani, o an yaptigimiz sey haline gelmek. Ego'nun devamli yorum yapan, izleyen halinden cikmak. Ego'yu bir kenara birakmak cok zor, cunku bizi koruyan bir yapiya sahip. Ama bizi neden koruyor? Belki evrimsel surecte ihtiyacimiz var ve bizi bu gun burada yapan sey o. Ancak kendilingen gelen sefkat ve merhamet calismalari yapinca, goruyoruz ki her sey neyse o ve her sey ne o olacaksa o olacak. Ve de aslinda ne bu evrenin bir yoruma ihtiyaci var, ne de bizim bir seylerden korunmaya...
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