Preparing this post was so much fun since somebody on this earth accidentally and finally learned html. Yes, we are talking about me. Well it was just editing what's there and finding out about the secret of photo arranging and you know what? It feels great to have more control. Finally, finally! And have you ever tried PhotoScape? It makes way easier to edit photos and I feel like I do not need another camera if one can enhance the photos that much -Did I really believe that?.-. I know it's much cooler to be seen taking photos with a DSLR, but still.. I am just playing for now, and that was so much fun as well.
The photo of Galata Tower does not really belong to the weekend, I think it was a Tuesday? Before I got back to my parents house we went out in Tunnel and had a very relaxing, delicious night out... Owww the Mojitos and at home the Mastika liqueur... My parents were so happy that I was back, they made us -all four- clean the windows, and our house has infinitely many windows... At least it was a suitable work for the heat, with splashing water from the hose and all... In my coffee cup, seen in my sister's hand, there were lots of roads to travel and business to manage.. And I finally was getting rid of all my troubles, but anyway those troubles were only in my head and was only my creations...Of course my wish was granted.. And for the last photo, you can just click on it for the description...
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