According to Live Earth, a lot of women and children on earth have to walk average of 6km per day to secure water. In order to draw attention to this fact and consumption of clean water reserves thousands of people will be joining "Run For Water" action, in all around the world. (Unfortunately they banned it in Berlin) You can still join in Amsterdam, Brussels and Munich though.
If I were in Istanbul, I would definitely go, since I do really care about consumption and water. If you are in Istanbul or any of the cities that support the event please go for me! To join click here
Turkish by S:
Live Earth'un yaptigi bir arastirmaya gore dunya uzerinde hergun bircok kadin ve cocuk temiz su elde edebilmek icin ortalama 6km yol katediyor.
Ve bu veriden hareketle temiz su kaynaklari ve su tuketimine dikkat cekmeyi amaclayan "Su icin kos/run for water" platformu 18 Nisan'da 100 binden fazla ulkede onbinlerce insanin katilimiyla gerceklesecek.
Biz de Istanbul Avrupa yakasinda bu organizasyona katilmayi planliyoruz. Parkurumuz Kurucesme Parkindan Bebek parkina gidis donus seklinde olacak. Kosmak sart degil yuruyebilirsiniz.
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