
Is it a HB101,  Human Being Prerequisite 101? Fighting, hurting, having the power... It's either between the countries, or within the country between the "others". Are we searching other life forms in the universe to fight more? Why do we need to label people as "others". Which side does it satisfy in the human nature? It seems to me that we feel better to be part of a collective anger or collective pain than to deal with our everyday issues...

All I know is that anger detaches you from your personality, and I cannot imagine how you can handle this anger if your loved ones are hurt by others... But then is the solution to hurt more?

If you ever watched Battle Star, maybe you remember Saul, the colonel -if you have not watched it till the end careful! spoiler alert- . He was the one who hated the Cylons  most, and fought to dry up their lineage. And then he found out that he was a Cylon, and worse: the creator of Cylons as well. My point is, how can you know for sure that you are not the one you hate? Even Hitler was suspected to have a Jewish lineage!

In my country sad sad things are happening right now. The killings,  the earth quakes. Some people are labeling some people as others. Kurdish people are being others, and how do people know they are not Kurdish in my country is a mystery. It's such a mixed genealogy, it always amazes me that people in Turkey can be racist at all, but that does not stop people to blame whole a lot people just because they think they are born into a lineage that does not belong to the Turkish one, whatever that is...

Staying calm, during panic times and not make big decisions are the best thing we can do, both in personal and social level. Then we learn to take precautions, then we learn about development, then we learn to learn....

And anyway, that was my weekend, the photos, sick but sunny...

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